Description: The Canadian Training Institute’s crisis intervention program offers strategies and approaches such as the nonviolent crisis intervention program, crisis Intervention techniques such as Holistic Crisis Intervention, NonViolent Crisis Intervention and a safe intervention method designed to assist in the management of challenging and aggressive behaviour. Crisis Intervention is an essential skill in both personal and professional relationships. Having tools such Crisis Intervention Strategies help to create and provide a safe and healthy working environment is essential for success in any environment.
Course Objectives: Participants of this workshop will learn how to de-escalate hostile situations, engage and communicate with positivity while simultaneously implementing problem solving solutions as well as being equipped with skills like, crisis management plans, crisis intervention techniques and bystander intervention training. Completing this program will strengthen the ability to explore and reflect on personal experiences and perceptions. Resulting in a better understanding of emotions like anger, and situations that result in a crisis. As well as the ability to understand safe physical intervention procedures, including personal safety. Participants of this program will receive a Crisis Training Certificate is certified by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and First Nations Wellness/Addictions Counsellor Certification Board.
Audience: All
Prequisite: None